Friday, June 25, 2010

SEVEN MONTHS old and growing like a weed

Amelia was seven months old on Wednesday.  She's getting such a personality and we love her more and more everyday.  She's becoming a pro at eating solids and there isn't anything she hasn't liked yet!  We just recently moved up to 2nd foods, which are really just bigger jars with more of a variety of choices.  She 'drinks' water from a sippy cup and a straw (us holding the straw in her mouth and letting the water drip out).  She's trying so dang hard to crawl and is able to get up on all fours, but isn't sure what to do next.  She is able to sit basically unassisted, with a few webble wobbles every once in a while.  She is sleeping through the night.  Bedtime is at 7:30 and she generally sleeps until 5:30 or 6:00 gets up to have a quick bottle and goes back to sleep until 7 or 7:30.  No mama or dada's yet, just lots of babbles, screams and squeals.  Oh wait I have take that back, when she's crying she whines and it sounds like a pathetic mooooooom  maaaaa.  So that's the only time I get to hear mama!  She still has little to no hair, and no teeth.  I'm ready for her to stop growing up now!  Can anyone help me with this??
I'm seven month old today!

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