Thursday, December 2, 2010


I have a lot to be thankful for, we are very blessed.  As Thanksgiving came and went I've been pondering some of what I am thankful for and have composed a short list.  So here's what I'm thankful for.

I'm thankful that God sent his Son to live and die, so that I may have eternal life.  I'm thankful for this above all.

I'm thankful for my wonderful husband, who is not only a my best friend, but is a fabulous father.

I'm thankful for Amelia and her ability to make me laugh and smile everyday.

I'm thankful for my Mom and Jim and for how they'll cook me pepper steak whenever I ask!

I'm thankful for my Dad and Karla and how they always share their dinner when we show up to visit at suppertime!

I'm thankful for my Brother and how I can get a text from him that says, "Mandy just mastered the art of cooking chocolate pies" and it makes me smile.

(side note, just realized that the past three things included food, maybe I'm thankful for food?)

I'm thankful for Mandy, because she truly makes Nick happy.

I'm thankful that I have the absolute best in-laws in the world and how I know they will be there for us always, period.

I'm thankful for family in general, we have lots of family and I love them all. 

I'm thankful for all my nieces and nephews.  They make me laugh and smile and I enjoy them a lot.

I'm thankful for church, and the fellowship that comes with it.

I'm thankful for my BFF, she'll be there through it all and I know this without a doubt.

I'm thankful for lots of material things, and I know it sounds horrible, but I am.  They make live easier.

Just a small list of some of the things I'm thankful for this time of the year.  What are you thankful for?

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