Monday, April 23, 2012

Pictures from Kendra

I failed to take a single picture this weekend.  We had a lot going on and with Grandpa's funeral we were out of pocket all day Sunday, so no pictures.  But Kendra is great about sending me pictures of the kids throughout the day and here are some of my favorites she has snapped.

This is Asher's current 'thing' he pulls up and stand on EVERYTHING.
Making goofy faces at the camera.
She loves flowers.
And blankets.
Looking very innocent in this picture.
Kendra said she said, 'Smile Asher' and this is what she got.
Playing at the park.
Amelia sitting in the Bumbo, I'm guessing she was 'stuck' when it was time to get up.
Lunch time.
Hiding eggs.
My babies playing together. :)

1 comment:

Lauren said...

love these pics! and poor baby Asher...why does he cry when asked to smile!?!