Thursday, September 16, 2010

Chocolate Pudding, Pepsi and Dr. Pepper

Since Amelia is nine months old, we decided to heck with baby food and formula, she's now eating pudding and drinking Pepsi and Dr. Pepper.  Why not, right?

Daddy giving Amelia a taste of pudding.  Yes they are sitting in the kitchen, I don't know why.
She likes it.
She just gets her own Pepsi whenever she wants, it's much easier that way!
Look at her, she loves it!
I'm going to have to stop her or she'll be addicted.

Only kidding, as you can see, she gets into EVERYTHING.  She wasn't hurting anything so I just let her at it.  Those cans were shook up by the time she got through with them!  She's so much fun!

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