Thursday, July 11, 2013

Kids say the funniest things...

Amelia to me while sitting on the potty. "Mom, I just went tinkle. Tinkle is Spanish for potty."

Amelia while sitting in Hawgwild while having dinner, in a calm and controlled voice while looking around at all the other customers. "Attention big people and little people, calm down." I guess she thought it was too noisy.

Asher where is your, fill in the blank? We ask him this question a lot.
Asher: "I don't know."
Us: "Well you need to find if."
Asher: "No mommy do it."
Clearly he's a man. :)

Amelia to Sara one day while at her house, "I saw a two legged animal outside, I think I saw a peacock."  Sara goes to the window and sees nothing, but tells Amelia that she thinks she saw a turkey.  A few days later while at the farm/park we see turkey in the pin, Amelia says to me. "Look Mom peacocks!"

As I was plucking my eyebrows the other day, Amelia asks, "Mom are you picking splinters out of your eyes?"

 The other morning at 3:30 am Asher woke up and started saying, "binky back, binky back."  Guess he thought we had stole his binky in the middle of the night, thankfully he found it and was back to sleep quickly.

While we were in St. Louis on vacation Amelia kept referring to the hotel as the 'show and tell' and the St. Louis Arch was the 'Snow de Arc'.  She's so funny.

Amelia to me the other morning, "Mom, do you think God is awake?"  Me, "Sure."  Amelia, "Do you think he's making his coffee?"

Asher knows how to get straight at my heart.  Recently he stood in his crib in the middle of the night crying out "Mommy cuddle little bit more," over and over.  Needless to say, he won.

While on vacation I was trying to get Amelia to come to me so I could put her hair up in a pony tail.  She told me she needed to do something else and I told her no, come here.  She turned around and said, "Mom you just have to be patient."  Ugh, I'm constantly telling her the SAME thing. 


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