Tuesday, March 15, 2011

13 weeks

As of Sunday I was officially 13 weeks pregnant, which is either the last week on my first trimester or the first week on my second trimester, depending on what you read or who you are. My goal is to do a quick weekly update from here on out until baby day. This post is going to be a quick update on the first trimester.

As of day one of finding out I was pregnant I've been exhausted and hungry. Bedtime is early, sometimes I fall asleep on the couch at 8:30ish and go to bed at 9:00! When I was pregnant with Amelia I would come home from work every night and take a nap and then get up and cook dinner and be good until 10:00 or so, but not with Amelia here I don't get a nap, so I guess this explains the early bedtimes.

Food, well lets just say if it sounds good I want it and lots of it. More often than not I get done eating dinner and I'm not 'full'. I don't ever remember being this hungry with Amelia, but I could be wrong. I feel like I could eat and eat and eat. On the other hand certain foods make me gag, and I can't even imagine eating them, and if I happen to smell them, it's all over. I can not cut up, open or get Amelia vegetables ready to take to the babysitter anymore, Nathan has officially took over and I stay far far away from the kitchen. I can't eat or smell yogurt, or coffee and some other random stuff. I'm not doing nearly as well at drinking water as I did with Amelia, it's another one of those things that I can't seem to stand, I am digging poweraid and koolaid!

I started this pregnancy off 10 lbs lighter than I did with Amelia, but at my first appointment, which was the nine week appointment I was already up 4 lbs. We'll see how I do the rest of it!

We don't have a clue about the sex of the baby, I don't have a 'feeling' either way. With Amelia I felt like it was a boy and I was wrong, so I'm just going to wait until our ultrasound and be surprised! I should be scheduling my ultrasound this week, so that's very exciting!

13 Weeks

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