Wednesday, March 23, 2011

14 Weeks

The highlight of week 14 was getting to hear the heartbeat again.  We had our doctors appointment on Wednesday and got to hear the heartbeat through the dopple this time!  It was 168 beats per minute, which is still very fast!  We also schedule our ultrasound for April 20th!!  Hopefully the 'new kid' will act right and show us wheather it's a he or a she!

As for food, I'm still eating, lots.  Still gaging at random smells too, I was hoping this would go away, but I'm not that lucky yet.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

I was up another 4 lbs at this appointment, so that's a totally of 8 lbs for this pregnancy.  Not looking so good, as I only gained 12 lbs with Amelia the WHOLE time.  I'm only 14 weeks people, and I'm already up 8?!?!  See above about eating...lots, enough said.

No movement yet, although the other did I did think I felt 'something'.

Here's my week 14 pictures, in which I think I look smaller than week 13?  Beats me.

Week 14

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, you need to keep in mind that your weight gain with Amelia was ABNORMAL, and this is probably totally NORMAL! Welcome to the world of normal pregnancy weight gain. :)