Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Baby Steps

Asher has taken his first real steps. I'm not sure if I'm excited or sad. I'm really thinking a little of both right now.
Last night after I picked him up from Kendra's he was in a super good mood because he had napped so well (two TWO HOUR naps) so we played pretty hard when we got home. Amelia and I were pretending to 'get' him and he let go of the couch and took a few steps a couple of times. I told Nathan this when he got home, and Asher ended up doing it for him too. Today he went to Mema's house and she text me at one point and said that he had took two steps to Kylie. Well when I go to pick the kids Lois has video on her cell phone of him taking steps. It's not the best but you can clearly see that he lets go and 'walks'. I couldn't get her video to Bluetooth to my phone, so I took video of her video with my phone (technology at its best). So here's my nine month and 4 days old baby 'walking'.

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