Tuesday, June 19, 2012

It's time for a check up!

Asher had his nine month check up today with Dr. Sears.  He's a healthy, perfect, growing baby.  But we didn't need a doctor to tell us that! :)  He's still my tall skinny baby, weighing in at 19 lbs 9 oz and measuring 29 3/4 inches tall.  His weight puts him in the 25 percentile, and his height is up in the 90th.  No shots today since he's up to date on all his vaccinations, just a quick finger prick to check his iron count.  No tears were shed today!  Our next endeavor is to introduce more table/finger foods.  He's had some but not a whole lot at this point.  He's still not a very good sleeper, STILL getting up once a night to eat and then back to bed.  Honestly we're at the point were we just go feed him so he'll go back to sleep instead of trying to let him put himself back to sleep.  NOT GOOD.  He's saying mama and dada and baba, and waving bye bye when he wants too.  He's 100% BOY, that's really the only way I know to explain him!  He's big blue eyes and smile just melts my heart. 

He didn't know about the bandaid.
Hanging out, waiting on the Doctor.
What is this?
Mom, just take it off, don't take my picture.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

love this! he's too sweet...which you must always remember when he's waking during the night! ha!